Purpose of Operation

The Hanyang Health Care Center of Seoul was first established as Hanyang University’s Health Care Clinic on March 5th, 1962.

Our purpose is to maximize the efficiency of Hanyang University’s school education by protecting and promoting the health of students and faculty members. Therefore, it is a necessity for continuing and promoting Health Care Management at Hanyang University.

Primary Duties

- Taking preventive measures of various diseases and providing health care guidance
- Managing in disease preventive measures and promotional health care programs, such as, anti-smoking clinic, measuring body composition, and blood pressure measurement, etc
- Mild external wound treatment
- Treating emergency measures
- Providing OTC(Over-The-Counter) medicine based on the following symptoms, such as, cold, indigestion, and headache, etc
- Promoting and educating anti-disaster safety measures in relation to yellow dust advisory and particulate matter
- Promoting and educating anti-disaster safety measures in relation to infectious disease
- Promoting and educating anti-disaster safety measures in relation to heatwave
- Other school related health care management

Facility & Equipment Information



[Health Care Center (Interior)]

[Stability Room]

[Health Monitoring Room]



[Health Care Center (Interior)]

[Health Monitoring Room]

[Stability Room]


[Operating Hours]

Weekdays : 08:30 AM ~ 17:30 PM (operating hours may change during non-academic holidays)

Lunch Break : 12:00 ~ 13:00 PM
**Closed every Saturday and Holidays**


Hanyang University Student Hall (Center) 3rd Floor, SEOUL Campus.

[Contact Information]

+82) 2-2220-1466-7


[Operating Hours]

Weekdays : 09:00 AM ~ 17:00 PM (operating hours may change during non-academic holidays)

Lunch Break : 12:00 ~ 13:00 PM
**Closed on Saturdays and Holidays**


Hanyang University Student Welfare Hall (Center), 1st Floor, ERICA Campus.

[Contact Information]

+82) 31-400-4366